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Publications by Bruce Jamieson and colleagues



Avalanche Craft - Strategies for reducing risk in the backcountry

Bruce Jamieson and Terry Palechuk, 2021. Avalanche Craft uses clear explanations, over 110 color photos and links to online videos to illustrate avalanche characteristics, avalanche terrain, planning a day trip (including terrain mindsets), snowpack instability tests, route selection, and current techniques for companion rescue. The knowledge and techniques are summarized in the final chapter on practical strategies for reducing avalanche risk during backcountry travel. Supercedes Backcountry Avalanche Awareness and Freeriding in Avalanche Terrain.


Avalanche Craft - Strategies for reducing risk in the backcountry

Avalanche Craft uses clear explanations, links to online videos and over 110 color photos to  present strategies for reducing avalanche risk during backcountry travel. The ebook covers avalanche characteristics, avalanche terrain, planning a day trip (including terrain mindsets), snowpack instability tests (with links to online videos), route selection, and current techniques for companion rescue. Avalanche Craft is available in epub and kindle formats.


Avalanche Craft supersedes Freeriding in Avalanche Terrain (first published 1999), Backcountry Avalanche Awareness (first published 1989) and Sledding in Avalanche Terrain (first published 1998).


Bruce Jamieson and Terry Palechuk, 2021. Snowline Associates Ltd.


Planning Methods for Assessing and Mitigating Snow Avalanche Risk

A technical manual for characterizing, assessing, mapping and mitigating snow avalanche hazard and risk. Available in print and pdf editions.


Jamieson, B. (Ed.), 2018. (Contributions by Argue, C., Buhler, R., Campbell, C., Conlan, M., Gauthier, D., Gould, B., Jamieson, B., Johnson, G., Johnston, K., Jones, A., Jonsson, A., Sinickas, A., Statham, G., Stethem, C., Thumlert, S., Wilbur, C.). Canadian Avalanche Association, Revelstoke, British Columbia, Canada.


Description and analysis of 105 fatal avalanche accidents from 1996 – 2007. Includes an overview of the trends and patterns in fatal avalanche accidents. Print edition available.


Bruce Jamieson, Pascal Haegeli and Dave Gauthier. 2010. Canadian Avalanche Association, Revelstoke, BC, 429 pp.


Print version sold out. Click on cover thumbnail to download the pdf version.

Bruce Jamieson and Torsten Geldsetzer. 1996. Canadian Avalanche Association, Revelstoke, BC, 203 pp. Translated by M. Perron and M. Thibaudeau as Avalanches au Canada, 1984-1996. 219 pp.

Contributions to guidelines and standards

Canadian Avalanche Association, (Subject matter experts: B. Jamieson, C. Stethem, P. Schaerer, D. McClung), 2002. Canadian Avalanche Association, Revelstoke, BC.

Canadian Avalanche Association (Subject matter experts: D. McClung, C. Stethem, P. Schaerer, B. Jamieson), 2002. Canadian Avalanche Association, Revelstole, BC.

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Conference papers, articles in association and scientific periodicals

Selected, mostly recent, papers are listed below. Hover the cursor over the title to see if the publication can be downloaded. A separate list of over 70 papers in ISI journals and over 100 conference papers by Bruce Jamieson and colleagues is available here.

Comparing stability tests and understanding their limitations. ISSW 2023. Karl W. Birkeland, Alec van Herwijnen, Frank Techel, Edward H. Bair, Benjamin Reuter, Ron Simenhois, Bruce Jamieson, Alex Marienthal, Doug Chabot and Jürg Schweizer. International Snow Science Workshop, Bend Oregon, Oct. 2023.

Why observers may not agree on the destructive potential size rating and a draft scale for more consistent size rating. ISSW 2023. Tyler Carson, Lisa Larson, Brendan Martland, Bruce Jamieson. International Snow Science Workshop, Bend Oregon, Oct. 2023.

Design of a Large Stopping Berm for a Glide Avalanche on the Trans-Canada Highway. Geohazards 8, Quebec, June 2022. Chris Argue, Alan Jones, Bruce Jamieson, Naginder Jabbal.

Communicating likelihood and probability of snow avalanches. Geohazards 8, Quebec, June 2022. Scott Thumlert, Grant Statham, Bruce Jamieson. Revised and abridged for Canadian Geotechnique 3(4), 54-57: Communicating Likelihood and Probability for Operational Snow Avalanche Forecasting, Winter 2022


The potential impacts of climate change on snow avalanche hazards on the Trans-Canada Highway in Glacier National Park. PIARC, Calgary, 2022. J. Hendrikx, A. Jones, C. Argue, R. Buhler, B. Jamieson, J Goodrich.

In Proceedings of GeoVirtual 2020. Bruce Jamieson, Dave Gauthier and Chris Wilbur

The likelihood scale in avalanche forecasting

Scott Thumlert, Grant Statham, Bruce Jamieson. Avalanche Journal 122 (fall 2019), Canadian Avalanche Association, 24-28. Reprinted in The Avalanche Review, 38.3, 31-33

The risk of ski cutting – results from an international survey

Bruce Jamieson, Karl Birkeland, Mark Vesely, Ilya Storm, John Stimberis. Avalanche Journal 122 (fall 2019),  Canadian Avalanche Association, 30-33.

How risky is ski cutting by avalanche practitioners?

Bruce Jamieson, Karl Birkeland, Mark Vesely, Ilya Storm, John Stimberis. 2019. The Avalanche Review 38.1 (Oct. 2019), 20-23.

This is the full version of a paper on the risk of ski cutting by avalanche practitioners by Bruce Jamieson, Karl Birkeland, Mark Vesely, Ilya Storm and John Stimberis. Shorter versions have been published in The Avalanche Review (American Avalanche Association) and the Avalanche Journal (Canadian Avalanche Association). There is a 12.5 minute video of the key results here. A pdf version of the online survey (which closed in June 2019) is posted here.

The Trans-Canada Highway - Avalanche mitigation project in Glacier National Park

Chris Argue, Ryan Buhler, Jeff Goodrich, Bruce Jamieson, Alan Jones, Jaime Sanderson, 2019. The Avalanche Journal, 121 (summer 2019), 18-21.

Bruce Jamieson and Cam Campbell, 2019. Extended abstract for the International Symposium on Mitigative Measures against Snow Avalanches and Other Rapid Gravity Mass Flows, Siglufjörður, Iceland, April 3–5, 2019. 6 pages.

Ryan Buhler, Chris Argue, Bruce Jamieson, Alan Jones, 2018. Proceedings of the 2018 International Snow Science Workshop in Innsbruck, Austria.

Chris Argue, Ryan Buhler, Jeff Goodrich, Bruce Jamieson, Alan Jones, Jaime Sanderson, 2018. Proceedings of the 2018 International Snow Science Workshop in Innsbruck, Austria.

Jamieson, B., Smith, M., 2018. Full version of the paper presented at the 2018 International Snow Science Workshop in Innsbruck, Austria, October 2018.


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Bruce Jamieson, PhD, PEng

Bruce has been working with avalanches for over 35 years, and providing training since 1985.

He is a Professional Engineer registered in British Columbia, and a professional member of the Canadian Avalanche Association.

Chris Argue photo.

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